8.4 Adhesive application

Examples of different types of application:

Other possible types of application:

  • Roller application
  • Blade application
  • Swirl method, spin-spraying
  • Screen printing

Not only the method of application but also the amount of adhesive applied can vary enormously depending on the bonding task. For example, several kilos per minute are required for bonding rotor blades for wind turbines, yet only ml quantities may be required in the electronics industry.

Factors affecting the quality of the adhesive application in automated production

Factors affecting the pattern of the applied adhesive in automated production (high viscosity adhesives)

Advantages of moving-component systems:

  • More compact dosing systems (short hoses, costs)
  • “Overhead” application possible by rotating the component
  • Robots can also be used for other production tasks (e. g. pretreatment + adhesive application)

Advantages of moving-applicator systems:

  • Application of low viscosity adhesives
  • Lower space requirements for large components
  • Lower risks regarding safety (no rapid motion of heavy components)
  • Problem-free application on “non-grippable” components
  • No weight limits for components (currently 500 kg)